Lang is a small town deep within Lang Mire, on the western border of the Utraean Peninsula's central heartland.
The town serves as the fifth starting location available to characters in the multiplayer map for Dungeon Siege, requiring that they be level 25 or higher for them to begin there.
The swamp outpost of Lang is little more than a cluster of tents and rotting wooden buildings alongside the H.U.B. platform and Displacer tower. The town is incredibly accepting compared to the other communities of the Peninsula, with the merchants openly trading with Goblins from the nearby Goblin Warrens, and Zombies from the depths of the surrounding swamp.
When the call for the unification of the eight townstones came from the Utraean Historical Society in Hiroth, Utraean Priestess Janeira had foreboding visions of what lay ahead, and was uneasy bringing the Lang Mosquito Stone to the Utraean Circle, holding onto it until deserving people came seeking the townstone.
Regional Context[]
- Travel to Quillrabe
Quest Givers[]