Dungeon Siege Wiki
Dungeon Siege Wiki
For Legends of Aranna quests, see Quests (Legends of Aranna).

The quest system in Dungeon Siege is represented by a series of simple, often linear tasks that cannot be failed. Almost all tasks are given out by various game characters during a dialogue with them. The main quest does not stand out and is a series of the same tasks, passing from act to act.

All tasks are in the journal, their small description and dialogues related to them are also contained there.

The Kingdom of Ehb: Seck Resurgence[]

Main article: Ehb
Icon Quest Name Main/Side

Chapter I - Stonebridge[]

Seek Gyorn in Stonebridgeicon Seek Gyorn in Stonebridge Main Quest
Clear Edgaar's Basementicon Clear Edgaar's Basement Side Quest

Chapter II - Journey to the Overseer[]

Deliver Gyorn's Reporticon Deliver Gyorn's Report Main Quest
Ordus' Axeicon Ordus' Axe Side Quest
A Sister's Messageicon A Sister's Message Side Quest
Clear Glitterdelve Passicon Clear Glitterdelve Pass Main Quest
Rescue Torgicon Rescue Torg Side Quest
Report Torg's Findingsicon Report Torg's Findings Main Quest

Chapter III - The Search for Merik[]

Quest for Merikicon Quest for Merik Main Quest
Book Returnicon Book Return Side Quest
Reinforce Fortress Krothicon Reinforce Fortress Kroth Main Quest
Homeless Blacksmithicon Homeless Blacksmith Side Quest

Chapter IV - The Warding Staff[]

Confront the Bandit Bossicon Confront the Bandit Boss Main Quest
Purify the Templeicon Purify the Temple Side Quest
Merik's Stafficon Merik's Staff Main Quest

Chapter V - An Ancient Evil[]

Missing Treasure Huntersicon Missing Treasure Hunters Side Quest

Chapter VI - Unwise Alliance[]

Subdue the Droogicon Subdue the Droog Main Quest

Chapter VII - King and Castle[]

Journey to Castle Ehbicon Journey to Castle Ehb Main Quest
Slay the Ancient Dragon of Ratheicon Slay the Ancient Dragon of Rathe Main Quest
Search for the Kingicon Search for the King Main Quest

Chapter VIII - The Chamber of Stars[]

The Chamber of Starsicon The Chamber of Stars Main Quest

Chapter IX - Dungeon Siege[]

Vanquish the Seckicon Vanquish the Seck Main Quest

The Utraean Peninsula[]

Main article: Utraean Peninsula
Icon Quest Name Type
The Utraean Circleicon The Utraean Circle Primary Quest
Travel to Elddimicon Travel to Elddim Secondary Quest
Hovart's Follyicon Hovart's Folly Side Quest
Elddim Townstoneicon Elddim Townstone Secondary Quest
Travel to Crystwindicon Travel to Crystwind Secondary Quest
The Diamond Runestoneicon The Diamond Runestone Secondary Quest
Crystwind Townstoneicon Crystwind Townstone Secondary Quest
Travel to Fallraenicon Travel to Fallraen Secondary Quest
Fallraen Barracksicon Fallraen Barracks Side Quest
Fallraen Townstoneicon Fallraen Townstone Secondary Quest
Travel to Merenicon Travel to Meren Secondary Quest
Meren Townstoneicon Meren Townstone Secondary Quest
Travel to Langicon Travel to Lang Secondary Quest
Flooded Sanctuaryicon Flooded Sanctuary Side Quest
PoD SkullDoor Pit of Despair Non-Journal Task
Travel to Quillrabeicon Travel to Quillrabe Secondary Quest
Quillrabe Townstoneicon Quillrabe Townstone Secondary Quest
Travel to Hirothicon Travel to Hiroth Secondary Quest
Travel to Grescalicon Travel to Grescal Secondary Quest
Grescal Townstoneicon Grescal Townstone Secondary Quest
VolcanicCaverns2 Twin Towers & Lost Pyramids Non-Journal Task
ChickenLevel Trial of Gallus Non-Journal Task


A hundred years prior to Ehb's Seck Resurgence, the Utraean Peninsula has been in a slow decline since the days of the Empire of Stars. With the mysterious disappearance of the Utraeans, their once-proud monuments and cities have fallen into disrepair and the surrounding settlements struggle against unnatural forces to maintain their own existence. Elddim is beset by Krug rampaging through the farmlands and the mines of Crystwind are out of commission, also infested with Krug. Undead have started crawling out of Hiroth's own castle and the small oasis of Grescal has almost dried up. The Legion remnant is now largely stuck to defending the towns and barely has the resources to secure the once safe roads.

Convinced that it will be their salvation, the Utraean Historical Society has called for the reunification of the Townstones in Hiroth in the belief that the ancients once hid away great weapons, magic and resources for dire times such as this. Players fill the role of those Marked with Fire, strange youths who can travel to the Basilicus and even reincarnate under Azunai's protection, who promise to realize the Society's project.

Overview of Peninsula Quests[]

The primary quest on the peninsula, spanning from the very beginning to the epilogue, is The Utraean Circle. It guides the hero towards the eight towns with the notion in mind to inquire on the situation there, recover the Townstone, and get directions to another town.

  • Because the Peninsula map was designed to accommodate players making and leaving games at will, the quests on the peninsula are item-driven. Your progress on the primary quest will be sitting in your inventory from game to game. For instance, as long as your character owns a Signet Ring of the Utraean Protectors, you can talk with the Utraean Society in a game you have just entered, and as long as you have a certain Townstone, you do not need to retrieve it again. When a Townstone is found, the game will spawn a duplicate on-the-spot for each connected client.
  • After receiving the signet ring in Elddim, you may run the towns in any order. There are even alternative versions of the "Travel to..." Secondary Quests, which are labeled "Journey to..." instead. These are issued from Hiroth and Grescal if you happen to be lacking one of the lower level Townstones.
  • The "Side Quests" not pertinent to the primary quest lead to intense combat and possible treasure.
  • The "Non-Journal Tasks" are exactly that, with the locals dropping only the barest leads; they are best-characterized as feats of exploration that will put you extremely far afield from the beaten path between the towns.


Primary Characters:[]

Major Characters:[]

Minor Characters:[]



  • Speaking to any of the Utraean Priests or Priestesses will initiate the Travel to Elddim quest if they do not currently have the Utraean Signet Ring currently equipped. Simply having it in their inventory is not enough.
    • This may have changed in Legends of Aranna; there, one does not need to wear the ring.
  • Utraean Priest Lagreth will always be found dead in the ice caves. Due to him having no health and being surrounded by enemies he will always be killed in one strike. The Townstone is right beside him. Resurrecting him with a spell or scroll results in a grateful priest, but is not required for the quest nor for improving Flessan's reward.
  • The Fallraen and Meren Stones do not require the initial quest to be obtained; as they are found in the wilderness, out of possession of civilization or monsters. The other five require their requisite quests to obtain.
  • Completion of this quest line is necessary for access to the secret chicken level.


Chapter 1: Ice[]

Chapter 2: Death[]

  • Defend the Town
  • Rescue Maid Gwendolyn
  • Confront the Undead Master
  • The Chalice of Mourning

Chapter 3: Fire[]

  • Confront the Fire King


  • Originally distributed as a free DLC with an installer.
  • World level "Veteran" and "Elite" can be selected, and there are also expansion mods that can be played as a single campaign.
  • The original text is Middle of Summer, which means near the summer solstice, and has a different nuance from midsummer in Japanese.
  • The conversation window opens, but there is no actual conversation (sentence).
  • If you are targeted by an enemy, you will not be able to talk to the maid.
  • When you play, you need to rarely drop "Hard leather" with 20 toughness and others.
  • The scenery changes without giving or giving the Holy Grail to Dante.